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Rumah Studio
The Real Management
Recording Sound Engineering
Equipped with :
Rode, Alesis,Fender,Yamaha
Shure, Sabian, Remo, Mackie
ECHO, PreSonus, Music Man
Phone : +62 819 602 8707

The Real Management
The Real Management
Andakah yang kami cari ?
Kirimkan foto close up anda ke :
Real Management Ruko Blok E1 Lantai 3
Jl. Lebak Bulus I No. 1 Cilandak Barat
Jakarta Selatan 12430
Phone : 021-22702102
info lebih detail hubungi
Phone : +628161898512, +622157936487

Kedai Jasmin
Perum Taman Sari Bukit Damai Blok B3 No 30 Jl Raya Parung - Serpong, Pedurenan, Gunung Sindur, Bogor
Call / SMS : +62817762181 (Mila)
Menyediakan dan menjual :
- Madu ASLI Hutan Sumatra

Arie's Wedding Organizer
Perum Taman Narogong Indah Blok F 29 No 11 Bekasi
- Dekorasi Pelaminan
- Tata Rias dan Busana
- Foto dan Video Shooting
- Hiburan
- Compliment
Phone :
02183464447, 02199671075, 081319792428, 085659934444


Jarak terdekat antara benda di bumi merupakan jarak terjauh antara kedua benda tersebut. Jarak terjauh dapat dilihat bila kedua benda tersebut diukur dari jarak berlawan sehingga harus mengelili bumi terlebih dahulu

Perputaran bumi (rotasi) memiliki kecepatan melebihi kecepatan pesawat terbang. Dapat dilihat dari contoh bila lama perjalanan pesawat dari Jakarta ke medan adalah 2 jam, bumi berputar cukup membutuhkan waktu sekitar 30 menit (perbedaan waktu magrib untuk Jakarta dan Medan). Berarti 4 kali kecepatan pesawat penerbangan

Semakin cepat jantung berdetak, semakin lama waktu berlalu. Manusia dengan detak jantung cepat akan terlihat melaksanakan sesuatu dengan cepat, sebaliknya orang yang berdetak lambat akan merasa dia baru melakukan sedikit untuk hari ini. Efek bagi manusia dengan detak jantung cepat adalah hipertensi tinggi

Pegumpalan darah di otak dapat dikurangi dengan mengkonsumsi nenas

Sumber segala Obat sebagian besar ada di tanah. lalu air, udara, dan panas matahari. Dari tanah yang sama di bantu dengan air, udara dan sinar matahari yang sama bisa hidup tumbuh-tumbuhan yang berbeda, termasuk tumbuh-tumbuhan yang sering menjadi penyembuh penyakit-penyakit tertentu


Pengenalan AT-Command (Perintah AT)

Perintah AT (AT Command) digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dengan terminal melalui port pada komputer.

Penggunaan peritah AT dapat memberi kemudahan untuk mengetahui
- kekuatan sinyal dari terminal,
- mengirim pesan,
- menambahkan item pada buku alamat,
- mematikan terminal
dan banyak fungsi lainnya.

Setiap vendor biasanya memberikan referensi tentang daftar perintah AT yang tersedia.

Berikut beberapa perintah AT:


Delete an SMS in the SMS memory

* Test Command : AT+CMGD=?
- Response : OK

* Write Command : AT+CMGD=<index>

# Parameter Write Command

<index> Index of message in the selected memory <mem 1>

- Response : OK/ERROR/+CMS ERROR


List SMS

* Test Command : AT+CMGL=?
- Response : +CMGL:(list of supported <stat>)

# Parameter Response Test Command

0 "REC UNREAD" : received unread messages (default)
1 "REC READ" : received read messages
2 "STO UNSENT" : stored unsent messages
3 "STO SENT" : stored sent messages
4 "ALL" : all messages


* Write Command : AT+CMGL [<stat>]
# Parameter Write Command

0 "REC UNREAD" : received unread messages (default)
1 "REC READ" : received read messages
2 "STO UNSENT" : stored unsent messages
3 "STO SENT" : stored sent messages
4 "ALL" : all messages

- Response If PDU mode (+CMGF=0) and command are successful: +CMGL:<index>,<stat>,[<alpha>],<length><CR><LF><pdu>[<CR><LF>+CMGL:<index>,<stat>,[alpha],<lenght><CR><LF><pdu><CR><CR><LF>[...]]
# Parameter Response Write Command

<pdu>:The PDU begins with the service-center address (according to GSM04.11), followed by the TPDU according to GSM03.40 in hexadecimal format
otherwise : +CMS ERROR: <err>



Display new incoming SMS

* Test Command : AT+CNMI=?
- Response : +CNMI: (list of supportes <mode>s),(list of supported <mt>s),(list of supported <bm>s),(list of supported <ds>s),(list of supported <bfr>s)

# Parameter Response Test Command

0 :
Buffers unexpected messages (but is equivalent to rejecting; see <bfr>)
1 :
Discard indication and reject new received message unsolicited result codes when TA-TE linkis reserved. Otherwise foward them directly to the TE. (only with S25ff)
2 :
Buffers unexpected messages if serial interface is occupied, otherwise they are output (only models before S25)

0 :
Suppresses unexpected messages for incoming short messages.
1 :
Unexpected messages of a received short message (SMS-DELIVER) that is stored on a chip card are output in the form +CMTI: <mem>,<index>
2 :
Unexpected messages of a received short message (SMS-DELIVER) (except class 2 and the message "Waiting indication Group: store message") are output in the form +CMT:[<alpha>],<length><CR><LF><pdu>(<alpha> is not supported) Class 2 and the message "Waiting Indication Group: store message" are output as <mt>=1
3 :
Unexpected messages of a received short message (SMS-DELIVER) class 3 are output as <mt>=2. Messages with other data coding schemes are output as <mt>=1. NOTE:<mt>=2 and <mt>=3 are not possible unless the Phase 2+ compatibility has been activated by means of +CSMS=1

0 :
Suppresses unexpected messages for incoming cell broadcast messages
2 :
Outputs unexpected messages for cell broadcast messages in the form +CBM: <length><CR><LF><pdu>

0 :
Suppresses unexpected messages for incoming SMS status reports
2 :
Outputs unexpected messages for SMS status reports in the form +CDS:<length><CR><LF><pdu>

1 :
Buffered unexpected messages are rejected when switching from <mode> 0 to <mode> 2.


Index of the record on the chip card

alphanumeric representation of the sender address

Length of <pdu>

The PDU begins with the service-center address (according to GSM04.11), followed by the TPDU according to GSM03.40 in hexadecimal format


* Read Command : AT+CNMI?
- Response : +CNMI: <mode>,<mt>,<bm>,<ds>,<bfr>

# Parameter Response Read Command

<mode> See Test command AT+CNMI
<mt> See Test command AT+CNMI
<bm> See Test Command AT+CNMI
<ds> See Test Command AT+CNMI
<bfr> See Test Command AT+CNMI


* Test Command : AT+CNMI=[<mode>[,<mt>[,<bm>[,<ds>[,<bfr>]]]]]
# Parameter Test Command

<mode> See Test command AT+CNMI
<mt> See Test command AT+CNMI
<bm> See Test Command AT+CNMI
<ds> See Test Command AT+CNMI
<bfr> See Test Command AT+CNMI

- Response : OK/ERROR/+CMS ERROR

:: Unexpected message

"+CMTI: <mem>,<index>"
-> Indication that new message has arrived
"+CMT: <length><CR><LF><pdu>"
-> Direct output of the short
"+CDS: <length><CR><LF><pdu>"
-> Direct output of the status report
"+CBM: <length><CR><LF><pdu>"
-> Direct output of the cell broadcast message


Read in an SMS

* Test Command : AT+CMGR=?
- Response : OK

* Write Command : AT+CMGR=<index>

# Parameter Write Command

<index> Index of message in the selected memory <mem 1>

- Response If PDU Mode (+CMGF=0) and command are successful: +CMGR: <stat>,[<alpha>],<length><CR><LF><pdu>
# Parameter Response Write Command

<pdu>:The PDU begins with the service-center address (according to GSM04.11), followed by the TPDU according to GSM03.40 in hexadecimal format
otherwise : +CMS ERROR: <err>



Send an SMS

* Test Command : AT=CMGS=?
- Response : OK

* Write Command If PDU mode (+CMGF=0) : +CMGS=<length><CR> (PDU is given <ctrl-Z/ESC>)

# Parameter Write Command

<length> :Length og PDU
<pdu>:The PDU begins with the service-center address (according to GSM04.11), followed by the TPDU according to GSM03.40 in hexadecimal format
<mr> : Message Reference

- Response
If sending is successful
: +CMGS: <mr>
If sending is not successful : +CMS ERROR: <err>


Write an SMS to the SMS memory

* Test Command : AT+CMGW=?
- Response : OK

* Write Command If PDU mode (+CMGF=0) : AT+CMGW=<length>[,<stat>]<CR> (PDU is given <ctrl-Z/ESC>)

# Parameter Write Command

<length> Length of PDU

0 "REC UNREAD" : received unread messages (default)
1 "REC READ" : received read messages
2 "STO UNSENT" : stored unsent messages
3 "STO SENT" : stored sent messages
4 "ALL" : all messages

<pdu>:The PDU begins with the service-center address (according to GSM04.11), followed by the TPDU according to GSM03.40 in hexadecimal format

<index> Index of message in the selected memory <mem 1>

- Response
If writing is successful
: +CMGW: <index>
If writing is not successful : +CMS ERROR: <err>


Terminate call

* Test Command : AT+CHUP=?
- Response : OK

* Write Command : AT+CHUP
- Response : OK/ERROR

:: Description :

All active calls and all calls on hold are terminated


SMS Format

* Test Command : AT+CMGF=?
- Response : +CMGF:(list of supported <mode>s)

# Parameter Response Test Command

<mode> 0: PDU mode


* Read Command : AT+CMGF?
- Response : OK/ERROR

# Parameter Response Read Command

<mode> 0: PDU mode


* Write Command : AT+CMGF=[<mode>]
# Parameter Write Command

<mode> 0: PDU mode

- Response : OK/ERROR


Address of the SMS service center

* Test Command : AT+CSCA=?
- Response : OK

* Read Command : AT+CSCA?
- Response : +CSCA:<sca>,<tosca>

# Parameter Response Read Command

<sca> : Service-center address in string format
<tosca> : Service-center address format


* Write Command : AT+SCCA=<sca>[,<tosca>]
# Parameter Write Command

<sca> : Service-center address in string format
<tosca> : Service-center address format

- Response : OK/ERROR


Select TE character set

* Test Command : AT+CSCS=?
- Response : +CSCS: (list of supported <chset>s) OK

* Read Command : AT+CSCS?
- Response : +CSCS:<chset> OK/ERROR/+CME ERROR

# Parameter Response Read Command

<chset> String; determines which TE characters set is used


* Write Command : AT+CSCS=[<chset>]
- Response : OK/ERROR/+CME ERROR


Expanded error messages according to GSM 07.07

* Test Command : AT+CMEE=?
- Response : +CMEE: (list of supported <>s)

# Parameter Response Test Command

0 : Suppressed the expanded error format
1 : Expanded error messages as number
2 : Expanded error messages as text


* Read Command : AT+CMEE?
- Response : +CMEE: <n>

# Parameter Response Read Command

0 : Suppressed the expanded error format
1 : Expanded error messages as number
2 : Expanded error messages as text


* Write Command : AT+CMEE=<n>
# Parameter Write Command

0 : Suppressed the expanded error format
1 : Expanded error messages as number
2 : Expanded error messages as text

- Response : OK/ERROR/+CME ERROR


12. AT+CSQ
Output Signal Quality

* Test Command : AT+CSQ=?
- Response : +CSQ:(list of supported <rssi>s), list of supported <ber>)OK/ERROR/+CME ERROR

# Parameter Response Test Command

<rssi> Reception level:
0 - 113 dBm or less
1 - 111 dBm
2-30 -109 to -53 dBm
31 - 51 dBm or more
99 Unknown

<ber> Bit error rate:
0-7 Like RXQUAL values from Table GSM 05.08 in Section 8.2.4
99 Unknown


* Execute Command : AT+CSQ
- Response : +CSQ: <rssi>, <ber> OK/ERROR/+CME ERROR

# Parameter Response Execute Command

<rssi> Reception level:
0 - 113 dBm or less
1 - 111 dBm
2-30 -109 to -53 dBm
31 - 51 dBm or more
99 Unknown

<ber> Bit error rate:
0-7 Like RXQUAL values from Table GSM 05.08 in Section 8.2.4
99 Unknown



Selection of message service

* Test Command : AT+CSMS=?
- Response : +CSMS:(list of supported <service>s)

# Parameter Response Test Command

0 : GSM 3.40 and 3.41
1 : GSM 3.40 and 3.41 and compatibility of the AT command syntax for phase 2+

NOTE : Deactivating the phase 2+ compatibility is only possible if the direct output of short messages +CNMI=1,2 or +CNMI=1,3 is not activated. If necessary, the latter should bedeactivated first.


* Read Command : AT+CSMS?
- Response : OK/ERROR

:: Description :

All active calls and all calls on hold are terminated

* Write Command : AT+CSMS=<service>
# Parameter Write Command

0 : GSM 3.40 and 3.41

- Response : +CSMS:<mt>,<mo>,<bm> OK/ERROR/+CMS ERROR


Output card ID

* Test Command : AT^SCID
- Response : OK/ERROR/+CME ERROR

* Write Command : AT^SCID
- Response : ^SCID: <cid> OK/ERROR/+CME ERROR

# Parameter Response Write Command

<cid> number of SIM Card



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